The Sunki Story
Sunki (pronounced 'sung-kee') is derived from the Filipino word "sungki," which literally translates to crooked or misaligned teeth. And while we totally support good dental habits (mom, be proud), we welcome all kinds of imperfections and aren't afraid of a little bite.
The brand was put together by four girl friends from Manila (that's us!). Though we have different interests, we share a common love for two things: lowering carbon emissions, and feeling fly in a sundress with pockets.
Sunki was born when we noticed the lack of options for local clothing brands that were stylish, reliable, accessible, and most of all — didn’t take a giant dump on the environment.

What We Are
We’ve got nothing to hide. Ask us about our practices, pricing, and even our most embarrassing memories from high school. This way, we hope to put an end to mindless consumption.
Sunki is that stranger you click with at the club bathroom after you've had one too many G&Ts. Also, more sizes currently in the works!
We would never promote or try to sell you anything that we ourselves wouldn’t be proud to wear or don't believe in.
What We Are Not
This is not a Cool Girls table. Anyone can be a Sunki girl, no matter what your age, race, size, or who your favorite Spice Girl is.
We’re definitely a bit more expensive than your fast fashion tee, but we would never over-charge. Sustainability shouldn’t cost you an arm. Read more about our pricing here.
A sin of the highest degree.

Beyond the Brand
We get it, finances are a touchy topic. But the only thing we hate more than a dirty environment is dirty $$$. We’re pleased to have the support of humble, like-minded individuals who helped bring our vision to life.
We’re proudly produced and manufactured in the Philippines too!
Our investors are our own friends who share the same mission as us. They’re a trust-worthy crop of creatives, artists, environmentalists, and more.
Because there’s no one else who can support women better than women.

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